
Press Releases & Announcements


Critical decline in gas distribution tariffs by 45% in Thessaloniki and 56% in Thessaly with innumerable benefits for industry / EDA THESS – Federation of Industries of Greece

EDA THESS premises in Thessaloniki were visited by the President of the Federation of Industries of Greece (SBE), Mr. Athanasios Savvakis where he was welcomed by the General Manager, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras and executives of the Company.

During the meeting, the General Manager informed about the approved Development Plan 2021-2025 amounting to ~ 156 million € which is already being implemented supporting the development of the areas of responsibility of EDA THESS. As part of this ambitious Program, the Company aims to integrate more and more industries in the gas distribution network. The expansion of natural gas use to energy-intensive production units leads to an increase in their energy efficiency, to a reduction in the energy cost while at the same time environmental performance is improved. 

It is worth noting that in 2020, for the region of Thessaloniki the industries MEL SSA, MEVGAL SA, Souroti SA, Roka SA, Onassis SA, B. Maliouris SA and the new gas station using CNG of EKO SA in Thessaloniki signed a connection contract, while for Thessaly the companies HELLENIC DAIRIES SA, AGRODER IKE, VIOLAR SA, CVBTECH HELLAS MIK, D,KISSA BROS & CO OE.

At the same time, Mr. Bakouras pointed out that the critical decline of distribution tariffs derives from the development planning, consistent and full implementation of an integrated strategy with profitable investments, based on technical and economic criteria. From the 1st of January the weighted average distribution tariff of EDA THESS that has been approved by the Authority shows a further decline of 14.8% in Thessaloniki and 21.9% in Thessaly, compared to the previous regulatory period.


Even more impressive is the reduction for the industrial consumers, who now enjoy reduced distribution tariffs by 45% in Thessaloniki and 56% in Thessaly compared to the distribution tariff applied in the previous regulatory period.


For his part, Mr. Savvakis expressed his satisfaction for the shaping of distribution prices at lower levels. He stressed that such a development is quite positive for the productive base and acts as an accelerator in attracting new investments, turning the region into an investment hub. By this way, the interest of investors for the development of companies in the industrial sector is mobilized, as a healthier, more flexible, and competitive environment with low energy costs is established. In this direction, EDA THESS through targeted investments, further strengthens the perspective of infrastructure development both in Northern Greece and in other areas of its License.

In line with the National Plan for Energy and Climate objectives, EDA THESS achieves the increase of natural gas penetration, contributing to the boost of the productive restructuring.