Regulatory Framework and Legislation


A. Legal Framework of Natural Gas Market

In accordance with the provisions of the National and European Law, the Company operates as the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operator in a regulated environment, being legally and operationally unbundled from the energy Transmission, Production and Supply activities.

The import and supply, transmission and distribution of natural gas in Greece was initially regulated by Law 2364/1995 (OGG A’ 252/06.12.1995).

Today, the legislative framework for energy activities in Greece is specified by Law 4001/2011 (OGG A’ '179/22.08.2011) "On the operation of Energy and Natural Gas Markets, for Research, Production and Hydrocarbon Transport Networks and other regulations”.

Law 4336/2015 (OGG A’ 94/14.08.2015) sets out the procedures and conditions for the full liberalization of the natural gas market in Greece. It established the framework for the distribution of natural gas and the operation of natural gas distribution networks, as well as the establishment of the Gas Distribution Companies after the legal and operational unbundling from other activities until 01/01/2017, and the granting of Licenses. Furthermore, the timetable was set and since 01/01/2018, all Natural Gas Customers are Eligible.

The above national energy law was supplemented by Law 4337/2015 (OGG A’ 129/17.10.2015), as well as Law 4414/2016 (OGG Α' 149/09.08.2016), Article 55 of Law 4423/2016 (OGG A’ 182/27.09.2016),  article 15 of Law 4425/2016 (OGG A’ 185/30.09.2016) and paragraph 1 of article 40 of Law 4546/2018 (OGG A’ 101/12.06.18). Law 4602/2019 (OGG A’ 45/09.03.2019) established the framework for the ownership unbundling of the natural gas distribution networks. With Law 4643/2019 (OGG A’ 193/03.12.2019) "Liberalization of the energy market, modernization of PPC, privatization of DEPA and support of RES and other provisions", the relevant articles of Law 4001/2011 were amended.

The legislative framework in Greece is based on the EU Energy Law.


B. Regulatory Framework

Natural Gas Distribution License & Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation License

Pursuant to the Natural Gas Licensing Regulation (OGG B’ 3430/17.08.2018), on 31/12/2018 the Regulatory Authority for Energy granted to the Company the following licenses by its Decisions No. 1314/2018 & 1315/2018 respectively:

With the Decision RAE 785/2021 (OGG B’ 5411/22.11.2021) the Natural Gas Distribution License, which was granted with the no. 1314/2018 decision of RAE to the Company, was amended due to a change in the shareholder structure of the company, following the transformation of "DEPA SA" (partial demerger of the infrastructure sector).

With the Decision RAE 786/2021 (OGG B’ 5428/ 22.11.2021) the Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation License, which was granted with the no. 1315/2018 decision of RAE to the Company, was amended due to a change in the shareholder structure of the company, following the transformation of "DEPA SA" (partial demerger of the infrastructure sector).

  • Natural Gas Distribution Network Operation Code

    By RAE Decision 589/2016 (OGG B’ 487/20.02.2017), the Distribution Network Operation Code was issued. The Code regulates the rights and obligations of the Distribution Network Operator, Distribution Network Users and End Customers connected to the Distribution Network and matters relating to the management, maintenance, development, operation of the Distribution Network, and the terms and conditions and Conditions of Access for Distribution Users to the Distribution Network and to the Services provided by the Operator.

    By RAE Decision 298/2018, the 1st Amendment of the Distribution Network Management Code (OGG B’ 1507/02.05.2018) was issued.

    By RAE Decision 642/2018, the 2nd Amendment of the Distribution Network Management Code (OGG B’ 3334/10.08.2018) was issued.

By RAE Decision 420/2021, the 3rd Amendment of the Distribution Networks Management Code (OGG B’ 3726/12.08.2021) was issued.

For the Natural Gas Basic Distribution Activity, please visit the link.

By RAE Decision 245A/2021 (OGG B’ 2292/01.06.2021), RAE decided on the approval of the Ancillary & Invoiced Services of the Distribution Networks of Thessaloniki and Thessaly and their unitary prices for the year 2021 (previous RAE Decisions 552/2017 (OGG B’ 2354/11.07.2017) and 570/2020 (OGG Β’ 2050/30.05.2020)

For the provision of Ancillary Services, please visit the link. For optional services, please visit the link.

  • Basic Distribution Activity Tariff Regulation

    By RAE Decision 328/2016, the Basic Distribution Activity Tariff Regulation was issued (OGG B’ 3067/26.09.2016). The Tariff Regulation regulates the methodology for setting the Basic Distribution Activity tariffs as set out in the Distribution Networks Operation Code, and in accordance to the provisions of article 88 of l. 4001/2011, for the Distribution Networks of Attiki, Thessaloniki, Thessaly and Rest of Greece.

By RAE Decision 421/2021, the 1st Amendment of the Basic Distribution Activity Tariff Regulation (OGG B’ 3727/12.08.2021) was issued.

By RAE Decision 485/2022, the 2nd Amendment of the Basic Distribution Activity Tariff Regulation (OGG B’ 3358/30.06.2022) was issued.

For the Basic Distribution Activity Tariffs, please visit the link.


  • Distribution Network Metering Regulation

    By RAE Decision 235/2019 (OGG Β’ 4818/24.12.2019), the Metering Regulation was approved. The Regulation sets out the responsibilities and obligations of the Gas Distribution Network Operators and the rights and obligations of Users and End Customers in relation to the measurement or estimation of the quantity and quality parameters of natural gas quantities delivered in the Distribution Network, the process of management and control of measurements, the dispute resolution process and the rules for reporting and sharing data on measurements.

Βy RAE Decision 422/2021, the 1st Amendment of the Metering Regulation (OGG B’ 2794/30.06.2021) was issued.


  • Development Program 2023 - 2027

    Approval of the Development Plan (OGG B’ 259/17.01.2024) of the Distribution Network of Thessaloniki and the Distribution Network of Thessaly for the period 2023 – 2027

  • Compliance Program

    According to the provisions of § 5 of article 80 of Law 4001/2011, as in force, the Gas Distribution Company of Thessaloniki - Thessaly SA, which by law is the Operator of the Natural Gas Distribution Network in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki and the Region of Thessaly, has prepared and implements a Compliance Program (§5 article 80 of Law 4001/2011).

    The RAE with its decision number 833/04.09.2019 approved the appointment of the Compliance Officer of the Company, who since then carries out his relevant duties. The Compliance Officer submits in writing to RAE, by March 31 of each year, an annual report describing the measures taken regarding the adherence to the compliance program.

  • Compliance Officer Annual Report 2022
  • Compliance Officer Annual Report 2021
  • Compliance Officer Annual Report 2020
  • Compliance Officer Annual Report 2019
  • Remote Distribution Networks & Compressed Natural Gas CNG

    By RAE Decision 643/2018 (OGG B’ 3334/10.08.2018), the framework for the development of Remote Distribution Networks using Compressed/Liquified Natural Gas was established.

    By RAE Decision 822/2018 (OGG B’ 4298/27.09.2018), the terms and criteria of the tender for the CNG Virtual Pipeline Services were approved.

    By RAE Decision 821/2018 (OGG B’ 4298/27.09.2018), the maximum price per kWh for the Compressed Natural Gas Virtual Pipeline service for the year 2018 was determined in accordance with the decision of RAE 643/2018.

    By Decision of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, the Technical Regulation of Decompression Facilities of Compressed Natural Gas and Auxiliary Devices was issued (OGG B’ 1809/21.05.2018).

    OGG B’ 5661 / 17.12.2018  set out the technical specifications, competent bodies, terms and conditions for the establishment and operation of service stations with installation of supply devices (refueling points) for compressed natural gas (CNG) in wheeled vehicles, such as: 1. service stations pure compressed natural gas (CNG) or 2. mixed service stations a. liquid fuels, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or b. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) or c. liquified petroleum gas and compressed natural gas (CNG), activities not related to the management of natural gas distribution networks. In this context, those who wish to invest in the compression, transport, and supply of compressed natural gas (CNG) can operate freely.

    By RAE Decision 443/2019 (OGG B’ 2945/16.07.2019), the RAE Decision 822/2018 on the tender for the CNG Virtual Pipeline Service was amended.

    By RAE Decision 442/2019 (OGG Β' 2792/19.07.2019), the maximum price per kWh for the CNG service for the year 2018 was determined.

    By RAE Decision 1427/2020 (OGG Β’ 4920/09.11.2020), the maximum price as of 01.11.2020 per kWh for the Compressed Natural Gas Virtual Pipeline service was determined in accordance with the decision of RAE 643/2018.

By RAE Decision 633/2021 (OGG B’ 4271/16.09.2021), the RAE Decision 643/2018 on the framework for the development of Remote Distribution Networks using Compressed/Liquefied Natural Gas was amended.

By RAEWW Decision E-128A/2023 (OGG B’ 7018/13.12.2023), the terms and criteria of the tender for the LNG Virtual Pipeline Services were approved.  

By RAEWW Decision E-128B/2023 (OGG Β’ 7100/18.12.2023), the maximum price per kWh for the Liquified Natural Gas Virtual Pipeline service was approved.

By RAEWW Decision E-129/2024 (OGG B’ Β’4265/19.07.2024), the framework for supplying Remote Distribution Networks by ODYFA Network User using Liquefied Natural Gas, was established.


  • Typical Consumption Profiles

    By RAE Decision 125/2018 the methodology for defining typical consumption profiles and creating standard consumption curves for non-hourly end customers, in accordance with Article 21 of the Distribution Network Operation Code was approved.

    By RAE Decision 750/2020 (OGG Β’ 2045/30.05.2020) the methodology was amended.

By RAE Decision 881/2022 the annual update of the typical consumption profiles for 2023 was approved. For the approved Typical Consumption Curves of non-hourly measured end consumers of the Distribution Networks of Thessaloniki and Thessaly for the year 2023, please visit the link.

Regarding the typical consumption profiles for 2022 (RAE Decision 54/2022), please visit the link.

Regarding the typical consumption profiles for 2021 (RAE Decision 1578/2020), please visit the link.


C. Other Legislation  

Law 4843/2021 (OGG A’ 193/20.10.2021) incorporated the Directive (EU) 2018/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council “amending Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency” into national law and amended on the Greek legislation to the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, and to the provisions of the Commission delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/826 “amending Annexes VIII and IX to Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the contents of comprehensive assessments of the potential for efficient heating and cooling” and related regulations for the energy efficiency in the building sector and for the reinforcement of Renewable Energy Resources and competition on the energy market.

D. Technical Regulations

Network and External Installations Regulations

Distribution Network Operation and Maintenance

  • Regulation “Operation and Maintenance Manual for Medium Pressure Gas Distribution Networks (19 bar design pressure) and Low-Pressure Gas Distribution Networks (maximum operating pressure 4 bar)” (OGG Β’ 1712/23.11.2006).

Natural Gas Internal Installations

  • Technical regulation for internal natural gas installations with pressure up to 500mbar (OGG Β’ 976/28.03.2012)
  • Internal installations regulation for natural gas installations with pressure of up to 1bar (OGG Β’ 963/15.07.2003)
  • Internal installations regulation for internal natural gas installations with operating pressure up to 16bar (OGG Β’ 236/26.03.1997)

CNG Decompression Facilities

  • Technical Regulation of Decompression Facilities for Compressed Natural Gas and Auxiliary Devices was issued (OGG B’ 1809/21.05.2018).

Compensatory Measures for natural gas distribution tariffs

The Company submitted before the RAE, legally and on time, a request for revision against the decision 729/2021 of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, pursuant to the relevant procedure stipulated by Law.