
Press Releases & Announcements


Depa Infrastructure (Italgas Group): completed the acquisition of the remaining 49% of EDA Thess

Athens, 19 December, 2022 - Depa Infrastructure, an Italgas Group company active in natural gas distribution in Greece, today completed the acquisition of the remaining 49% of Thessaloniki - Thessalia Gas Distribution S.A. (EDA Thess) held by Eni Plenitude.

For Depa Infrastructure, the contract was signed by Barbara Morgante, the company's CEO.

The transaction is part of the privatisation process of Depa Infrastructure, promoted by the Greek Government and concluded on September 1st . The price paid for 49% of EDA Thess is equal to EUR 165 million (equity) in execution of the existing agreements between Depa Infrastructure and the seller.

With today's transaction, Depa Infrastructure owns 100% of the operating companies Attiki Natural Gas Distribution Single Member Company S.A. (EDA Attikis), Public Gas Distribution Networks S.A. (DEDA) and Thessaloniki - Thessalia Gas Distribution S.A. (EDA Thess), the three major gas distribution players in Greece that manage a total of approximately 7,500 kilometers of network and 610,000 active redelivery points.