
Press Releases & Announcements


Invitation to EDA THESS by Thessaloniki’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry for its’ participation in the Chamber’s BoD meeting

The General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras participated in the BoD meeting of Thessaloniki’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, following an invitation received from the President, Mr. Yannis Masoutis and members of the Chamber.


During the meeting, the General Manager informed the BoD members of the Chamber for EDA THESS’ course, as an independent operator of the distribution network, for its main obligations deriving from the regulatory and the legal framework governing its activities and strategic planning. He, also, presented the Company’s investment plan, where the long – term investment planning and returns, were of great interest. Mr. Bakouras stressed that the network expansion is always carried out with both technical and economic criteria.


At the same time, issues related to the distribution network expansion to new and existing areas in the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki were discussed, while special reference was made to the innovative CNG technology, which enables the supply of remote areas – industries according to the highest safety standards.


The attendees showed particular interest in the prospects offered for the industries and commercial use, and, also, had the opportunity to be informed about the benefits deriving from the use of the natural gas. Specifically, it was stressed that the distribution tariffs of EDA THESS have been formed at the lowest levels throughout Greece, which contributes to the businesses’ development, as their energy cost is reduced. Meanwhile, natural gas, as an environmentally friendly fuel, significantly assists industries to respond strategically to the challenges of climate change.


Mr. Bakouras added that in the area of Thessaloniki, 61 industries and about 7.000 commercial consumers are currently supplied, while there is an intense interest in the conclusion of new connection contracts for professional use. It was also highlighted the fact that natural gas may contribute to rural areas, in systematic crops – greenhouses, power generation and cogeneration. Finally, he added that, with the aim of further gas penetration into the areas of the License, EDA THESS invests in the optimization of the provided services to domestic and commercial – industrial consumers.


In conclusion, Mr. Masoutis expressed his gratitude for the constructive meeting and the excellent cooperation with EDA THESS, and as it was noted, this cooperation enhances the competitiveness of Northern Greece’ enterprises.