
Press Releases & Announcements


The announcement of EDA THESS for the Company’s System of Evaluation and Pre – Selection of Materials of Natural Gas Distribution Network

Materials’ description:

1. Pipes:

a. Polyethylene PE SDR11, yellow color

b. Polyethylene coated steels


2. Natural Gas Meters:

a. of Membrane

b. of Turbine

c. of Positive Displacement (Piston)

d. Smart


3. Gas Pressure Reducers


4. Gas Stations (Couplings) and Gas Meters Connectors


5. Cabinets:

a. of Fiberglass

b. Galvanized


6. Polyethylene (PE) valves for backfilling


7. Polyethylene (PE) electrically welded service saddles

8. Natural Gas Reduction and Metering Complexes.


The Gas Distribution Company of Thessaloniki - Thessaly SA has a System for Evaluation and Pre-selection of Natural Gas Distribution Network Material Suppliers.

Through the pre-selection system, EDA THESS prepares and maintains a Register of Default Distribution Network Material Suppliers.

The participation in the System is open, in equal terms, to the interested companies who meet the legal, financial and technical conditions provided in the announcement.

The interested companies may send a written request to receive the CALL FOR TENDER with reference no. SPP001, indicating the complete details of their Company. The application is sent either to the e-mail address:, or to the postal address of the Contracting Company: Gas Distribution Company Thessaloniki - Thessaly SA, 256 Monastiriou & 7 D. Glinou, PC 54628 Τhessaloniki, Procurement Unit - Pre-selection and Evaluation Sector, Tel: 2310 584162.