
B. Regular Level


The Regular Level Evaluation System applies to regular type Supply/Service Groups. The duration of said System is unlimited and is renewed annually.


Through the Regular Level Qualification System, EDA THESSALONIKI - THESSALIA SA seeks to establish and maintain a Register of Standard Suppliers and Standard Service Providers. This system ensures that economic operators can apply for qualification at any time. The system is managed based on objective criteria and rules of qualification.




The Register of Regular Suppliers/Service Providers includes Lists of Standard Suppliers and Lists of Standard Service Providers for the following Main Categories:


  1. Supply of Hardware
  2. Supply of Software
  3. Supply and Services of Equipment/Operation/Maintenance of Building Facilities (Building Management)
  4. Supply and Services of Equipment/Operation/Maintenance of Natural Gas Networks (Network Management)
  5. Other Supplies and Professional Services


Each Category is divided into Groups. The full LIST OF REGULAR SUPPLY / SERVICE GROUPS is available here.


Participation in the system is open, on equal terms, to those interested who meet the legal, financial and technical requirements set out in the notice and have the required professional competence and experience.

The full text of the INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST OF REGULAR SUPPLIERS is available here and its summary here.

The BRIEF DESCRIPTION and SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (if any) of each Group is available here.

When submitting the Expression of Interest Folder, Interested Parties are invited to complete and submit the EXPRESSION OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FOR REGISTRATION IN THE REGULAR VENDOR LISTS, which is available here.

Notification of renewal of Qualification Systems