Safe use of natural gas
Proper installation
An internal natural gas installation consists of a set of pipes, fixtures, appliances and devices (stove, burner, boiler, etc.), installed after the delivery point (gas meter), from the vents in the areas where gas devices are installed to the installation’s exhaust flue. To make sure that gas installations are totally safe, stringent installation requirements have been established, and installers are legally bound to comply with them. These requirements are laid down in the Technical Regulation for Gas Installations with operating pressure of up to 500 mbar, Ministerial Decision No Δ3/Α/οικ. 6598, (OGG, Series II, No 976/28.03.2012)
The European quality mark
Gas appliances fall within the scope of Directive 2009/142/EC relating to appliances burning gaseous fuels and must have the CE marking affixed to them or on their label (the CE marking guarantees that the device meets the safety standards). They must also be suitable for the country of destination (Greece). This means that the Greek installation and connection rules have been complied with and that there is a use and installation manual in Greek, according to the Greek installation requirements
Maintenance of interior natural gas installations
Inspection: the right practice
The safety of a gas installation depends on proper functioning, proper handling, regular inspection and scheduled (preventive) maintenance carried out in accordance with the operating and maintenance schedule and the updated gas installation file.
The inspection findings and repair details must be recorded and kept available on the premises. Inspection and repair work may only be carried out by duly licensed professionals.
Consumers must keep a gas installation file, which must be available to the Gas Company. The file should include the technical report and drawings, should be updated with all subsequent changes (modifications or expansions) and should also include the inspection and maintenance certificates for the network and devices.
The consumer may only ‘inspect" the installation and should have the devices and piping regularly maintained.
Why should I maintain the installation?
Inspecting the installation and carrying out maintenance tasks will allow for:
the early detection of changes that may affect the safety of the installation;
actively contributing towards environmental protection, as scheduled (preventive) maintenance of gas devices will ensure low pollutant emissions at all times;
cutting down on the operating costs of gas devices due to infrequent repair and efficient operation.
It is also important to verify the effectiveness and proper functioning of the adjustment, safety and control systems/devices, as well as the effectiveness of the ventilation system used in the area where the devices are installed and of the exhaust gas venting system.
The Technical Regulation also provides for the tightness of the installation’s piping to be inspected every 4 years by an authorised installer, who should take measures as appropriate. A re-inspection certificate should be issued.
It is also important to carefully clean the burner (and the heat exchanger), adjusting it to ensure proper combustion (when the flame is not bright blue, but there are persistent yellow tongues of fire), as well as to test the exhaust gas to determine the boiler’s efficiency and the maximum exhaust gas values laid down by law. The frequency of this testing is specified in OGG 2654/09.11.2011 regulating matters relating to the functioning of stationary combustion units used for building and water heating purposes.
Proper use of natural gas – energy savings
The volume of natural gas consumed changes according to the user’s needs, the weather conditions and the apartment features.
To save energy:
If you use natural gas for cooking:
Make sure that the size of the utensils used are appropriate for the diameter of the gas burner.
Switch off the burner shortly before the end of cooking, to take advantage of the burner’s residual heat.
Taking energy-saving measures at home means that:
we protect the environment in which we live and we contribute in the energy spent globally;
we spend less energy, thus directly cutting down on heating and hot water costs;
we improve the level of comfort in the apartment;
we invest money smartly and productively.
Using natural gas adds value to an apartment:
Pursuant to the Greek law and the corresponding EU Directive, the energy efficiency of buildings is determined upon an energy audit and the issuance of the energy efficiency certificate.
Using natural gas in an apartment, both for heating and hot water, is a key element for upgrading its energy efficiency rating, both due to the energy efficiency of devices and the lower environmental impact compared to other energy forms.
The Energy Efficiency Certificate is attached to building sale and rental contracts and is a key factor in determining the market value of a property.
In this respect, using natural gas in an apartment will, in addition to the obvious financial gain and ease of use, add value to the property by upgrading the energy efficiency rating.
Steps to be taken in case of malfunction or gas odor
Key principles
Any gas odor should be reported to the Gas Company immediately by making a call to 800 11 87878
In the event of any other defects or failures, you should call a technician or even the Distribution Company.
A malfunction report must contain the exact location of the malfunction, its type and extent, the possible cause, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the person reporting it.
Steps to be taken if you smell gas in a building
Open the doors and windows wide, make sure that there is a flow of air and avoid any areas where there is an odor of gas.
Do not, under any circumstances, use any kind of flame or any device or do anything that could cause a spark.
Do not use electric switches and sockets in an area where there is a smell of gas.
Close the main valve!
Notify the Distribution Company’s Emergency Service using a telephone outside the premises.
Network repair works in case of gas leakage should be carried out by qualified work groups only.
Steps to be taken if you smell gas outdoors.
Notify the Distribution Company’s Emergency Service!
If the smell of gas might be attributed to a leak in an underground outdoor pipeline (e.g. pipeline in the yard supplying the inside of a building), the pipeline must be closed using the shutoff valve.
Close the doors and windows of nearby buildings!
Do not, under any circumstances, use any kind of flame or any device or do anything that could cause a spark.
Do not use electric switches, sockets or electric bells!
Notify the tenants of the house, but do not use electric bells!
Steps to be taken in case of gas leakage from gas devices.
In case of gas leakage, the gas device must be switched off by closing its shutoff valve and the technician or, if necessary the gas company, must be notified.