
Contract for the Use of System and Connection Contract


Natural Gas Distribution Activities

  • Contract of Use

Pursuant to the Contract of Use, the Operator provides the following Distribution Services (Basic Activity) specified in par. 1, article 12 of the DNOC:

a) Receipt of natural gas quantities by the Operator at the Entry Points.

(b) Supply of Natural Gas quantities through the Distribution Network.

(c) Delivery of Natural Gas quantities by the Operator at the Delivery Points.

(d) Ensuring smooth, safe and uninterrupted operation of the Distribution Network, and monitoring using control systems.

(e) Measurement of the natural gas quantity delivered at the Delivery Points.

For the provision of the services, a written Contract of Use is concluded in accordance with the relevant Template.

The Contract of Use is signed between the Operator and entities registered in the NGNS Users’ Register, in compliance with the provisions of article 72 of the law.


  • Connection Contract

The Connection Contract is signed between the Operator and the installation’s master or its legal or authorized representative, according to provisions of article 26 of the DNOC.

The Connection Contract lays down the terms and conditions, as well as the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, as specified in par. 6, article 26 of the DNOC.

The Counterparty receives a copy of the Connection Contract, as well an information leaflet on the proper and safe use of Natural Gas.

For the provision of the services, a written Connection Contract is concluded in compliance with the Connection Contract Template.