
Press Releases & Announcements


EDA Attikis and EDA THESS' Online Workshop with the Supply Companies

In the context of fostering effective cooperation, a constructive working meeting was held between the Distribution Network Operators, EDA ATTIKIS and EDA THESS, and the Supply Companies (Distribution Users) operating on the natural gas networks of Attica, Thessaloniki and Thessaly, with the aim of optimizing the services provided to end consumers and fully complying with the regulatory framework.

The agenda of the meeting included, among others, issues related to market development, increasing the penetration rate, consumer service, as well as the development of new networks in the License Areas of the Distribution Network  Operators.


The participating Supply Companies put forward their proposals and expressed their optimism for the joint and timely management of the issues addressed, prioritizing the strengthening and upgrading of the interoperability of the Operators’ online electronic information exchange tools (portals), always in accordance with the current regulatory framework and with a view to the equal treatment of Supply Companies and End Consumers.


On the part of EDA ATTIKIS and EDA THESS - which hold 99.5% of the total gas meters nationwide - special emphasis was placed on the actions to be taken in order to regain trust in natural gas, as it is the cleanest, most cost-effective, efficient and environmentally friendly fuel.


In addition, the Operators informed the attendants that meetings will soon be held with the Technical Entities and Municipal Authorities to inform them about the implementation of the 2023 Development Programs in the License areas. The Operators are committed to providing access to natural gas to all consumers, by ensuring connection to the existing gas network - also in Attica - within 35 days, with the aim of increasing penetration. 


Concluding the workshop, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras pointed out that, as Distribution Network Operators, the recognition of our networks’ potential to channel green energy to thousands of consumers, offering an easy and cost-effective decarbonisation pathway, lays solid foundations for a sustainable future, creating added value for the benefit of all stakeholders.