
Customer Service for People with Disabilities


The Company, as a Natural Gas Distribution Network Operator, provides its Services in accordance with the applicable Distribution Network Operation Code, in a cost-effective, impartial and transparent manner, without discrimination among Distribution Users or End Customers.

In any case, the Operator gives priority to the requests for service of end customers with disabilities.

Consumers with Disabilities are defined as persons who prove, by presenting to the Company a qualified medical certificate or other equivalent evidence, that they suffer from a disability or illness which significantly impedes the normal conduct of their daily activities. The said certificate must have been issued by a recognized medical institution in accordance with Law 1813/1988.

Consumers with disabilities are also persons who have reached the age of seventy (70), provided that they live alone or do not live with another person who has not reached the above age limit.

Upon request of a Consumer with Disabilities (you can download the application form here) - without financial charge and to the extent that it is necessary or feasible - the Company is obliged to:

  • Move the metering device to another location, depending on the specific needs of the Consumer.
  • Communicate the readings of the metering device by telephone or other appropriate means to the Consumer who is totally or partially blind.
  • Offer the Customer, who suffers from total or partial blindness, the opportunity to be visited by an employee of the Operator in order to provide instructions on the use of natural gas.
  • Provide the Distribution Network Operation Manual and the Manual for the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of N.G. Internal Installations to all categories of disabled persons, as well as to all consumers.
  • Prioritize the scheduling of requests from End Customers with disabilities.
  • Provide the possibility to inform and send documents to a person authorised by the consumer with disabilities.
  • Inform and communicate with the counterparty, in the manner that the counterparty selects from the outset as most convenient.

The Company is committed to absolute confidentiality for any information received from consumers with disabilities or relating to their personal data and undertakes not to use or disseminate it to third parties without their written consent.