
Press Releases & Announcements

New Collective Labor Employment Agreement signed between EDA THESS and the Union Trade

The new collective labor employment agreement was signed by the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras and the Union Trade.

Full compliance with the approved 2019 Development Program - Supply of Sofades of the Prefecture of Karditsa

In the end of the year, EDA THESS achieves its goals of supplying the new areas for 2019 and incorporates Sofades of the Prefecture of Karditsa into its network. In this context, an event was held to supply the distribution network.

EDA THESS is supplying Agia of the Prefecture of Larissa – Region of Thessaly and turning it into a "smart" city

Another region is included as part of EDA THESS’ distribution network, which is fully harmonized with its planning to supply new areas within the current year. On the occasion of the extension of the network to Agia of the Prefecture of Larissa, a ceremony was held, during which the Mayor of Agia, Mr. A. Goudaras, the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. L. Bakouras, gave speeches in the presence of the representatives of the local government and the Company's personnel.

EDA THESS with consistency to its planning continues the supply of new areas - Palamas of Karditsa Prefecture in the Region of Thessaly joins the distribution network

EDA THESS is expanding its network and continues to contribute to the country’s energy map expansion. In consistency with its commitments and the approved Development Program 2019 – 2023, the Company inaugurated the supply of the distribution network of Palamas of Karditsa Prefecture for which an event was held in the presence of local authorities and many citizens.

Mikrothives and N. Anchialos of Municipality of Volos joined EDA THESS’ distribution network

In consistency to its planning, EDA THESS completes the new areas supply for 2019. In a particular warm event co-organized by the Municipality of Volos and EDA THESS, N. Anchialos and Mikrothives welcomed natural gas.

In full consistency to the planning for the supply with natural gas of the new areas

EDA THESS connected the new areas of Thermi Municipality, Tagarades, Ag. Paraskevi, Souroti and Vasilika, to the natural gas distribution network in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki and received the citizens’ warmest welcome for the consistency to its planning.

A 2nd Gas Decompression Station is placed in the city of Elassona due to high demand

On Friday, 15.11.2019, a meeting was held at the offices of EDA THESS between the Mayor of Elassona – Prefecture of Thessaly, Mr. Gatsas Nicolaos, the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Bakouras Leonidas and the Company's Executives.

Visit of the Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Adonis Georgiades at the EDA THESS offices in Thessaly

The Minister of Development and Investment, Mr. Adonis Georgiades, visited Larissa on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at the invitation of the Association of Thessaly Enterprises and Industries (STHEB).

Supply of new areas for 2019 according to EDA THESS’ Development Program

In a steady upward developing route, EDA THESS continues to adhere to its commitments for the new areas supply under the Development Program 2019 – 2023.

Collaboration Agreement between EDA THESS and the Fire Department

A meeting was held by the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras with the Regional Commander of Thessaly Fire Service, Mr. Christos Spathoulas.