
Press Releases & Announcements

L. Bakouras: Energy efficiency, digitalization and infrastructure sustainability as an "antidote" to the energy crisis and a driver for the energy transition

The critical importance of developing infrastructure that will produce added value in the present and in the future was the key focus of the General Manager of EDA THESS, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras, during his speech at the conference of on "Energy crisis & Northern Greece: Challenges, opportunities and prospects".

EDA THESS remains on growth track - Interview of the General Manager, Mr. Leonidas Bakouras

Mr. Leonidas Bakouras, General Manager of the Natural Gas Distribution Company of Thessaloniki - Thessaly (EDA THESS), talks about the company's growth track despite the challenges of 2022, outlines the Company’s investment plan until 2026 and analyzes the role of natural gas and renewable gases in the energy transition.

Management of the Energy Crisis - Workshops of EDA THESS with Technical Associations and Supply Companies

With a view to further strengthening the effective cooperation and coordinated actions to cope with the energy crisis, EDA THESS organised workshops with the Technical Associations and Supply Companies (Distribution Users), to inform existing and potential consumers about the benefits of natural gas, the proper use of natural gas installations and the importance of EDA THESS infrastructure.

Investments in Region of Thessaly serve as a catalyst for the growth of the area - A landmark connection contract of 17 M. Νm3 with “Hydranthos”

The agreement between EDA THESS and "Hydranthos" for the connection of the new Hydroponic Cultivation Greenhouse Unit to the distribution network of EDA THESS leads to a record high, increasing the distributed natural gas volumes by 17 million Nm3 annually. The strong investing activity in the Region of Thessaly serves as a catalyst not only for the growth of the broader area but also for the strengthening of the productive fabric of the whole country.

The grant payment in the context of the Grant Program for the replacement of oil heating systems with natural gas systems in Thessaly started on Monday 06/06/2022

The payment of the second instalment of the € 2.5 million Grant Program for the “Replacement of oil heating systems with natural gas systems” has begun. The Program is implemented in the framework of the NSRF 2014 - 2020 for the Region of Thessaly and the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) executive structure of the Ministry for the Environment and Energy with a total budget of € 6 million. EDA THESS is the implementing entity in charge of reviewing the applications, of the certification and the payment of the funding to the beneficiaries.

EDA THESS and the Municipality of Thessaloniki for the World Environment Day

The strategy of EDA THESS is founded on the balanced development of business and economic activity and the creation of measurable value for the society, based on the protection of the environment and the strengthening of the Company’s positive footprint in the areas of its License.

Continuous trust of the industry in natural gas - EDA THESS: Landmark connection contract of 2 M. Νm3 signed with “VIOSER

A contract was signed with the pharmaceutical industry VIOSER for its connection to the distribution network of EDA THESS, attesting the timeless value of natural gas.

EDA THESS supports the International Cycling Tour of Greece (4th etape) in Larissa

EDA THESS was present at the PPC Cycling Tour of Greece as an ardent supporter of this celebration event for the Region of Thessaly. The starting point of the 4th etape was Karditsa, while the crowd of Greek and International athletes who participated in the race, finished in the city of Larissa.

Natural Gas: Leveraging the modernization and development of Production Activities - Connection of CHP Units to the Distribution Network of EDA THESS

A strong investor interest is recorded in the Licensed Area - Region of Thessaly, focusing, in particular, on the installation and utilization of High-Efficiency Combined Heat and Power Units (CHP) at state-of-the-art hydroponic farming greenhouses that are connected to the natural gas distribution network.

A historic achievement for EDA THESS: 26.000 new connection contracts in 2021

The beginning of the new year for EDA THESS is laced with the achievements of 2021 that verify the Company’s primary role in the natural gas distribution sector, as well as its strategic contribution to energy transition and the recovery of national economy.

Natural Gas reaches Agios Athanasios

The supply of natural gas in Agios Athanasios of Chalkidona Municipality – Regional Unit of Thessaloniki – has started. The integration of this area to the distribution network of EDA THESS signals the successful completion of the Company's Development Program for the year 2021.